Friday, May 10, 2013

Building Fond(ue) Memories: Peek Into Our Week

Welcome Company Girls! My week has been pretty decent so far. I haven't had much time to read or sit outside. But the children and I have enjoyed fun times. We still had plenty of strawberries our neighbor gave us. They were starting to look sad. But instead of putting them in the freezer for smoothies, I dipped them in chocolate. So yummy!

 We still had plenty of melted chocolate left afterwards so I added a little milk, oil, and white chocolate chips to make fondue. We had Matzo crackers, apple and banana slices and marshmallows to dip in the chocolately goodness. It was so much fun to share this spontaneous moment with my kids. (Their first dip into fondue!)

I've also been decluttering for ten days! I had a hard time letting go of crafty preschool things like Playdoh. But my ten year surprised me with her rendition of the Cupcake Wars in Playdoh.

How about you? What are your highlights this week?


  1. First, I just recently bought a nesting pot and will be doing fondue with cheese and veg/ham/bread next week for dinner- I'm expecting the kids to love it!
    Highlight for this week? I homeschool- I created a blog for my 9 yo daughter to encourage a love of writing- it worked! It's my joy from the week!

  2. Cheese Fondue for dinner is great! Only had this at the Melting Pot. Will have to try it out at our house too! And it's nice to meet a fellow homeschooler!

  3. What a great use for the strawberries (dipping) and then making fondue out of the leftover chocolate! I was given a fondue pot for Christmas and have not used it I'm inspired!!

    Highlights this week....hmmm. I thought my daughter's baby would come but there has been something special and kind of magical in the waiting. Perhaps baby will be here next week??

  4. Stopping by from Company Girl Coffee

    Yum! Love chocolate and love strawberries! :) I had a few highlights this past week. I usually do a wrap-up of my week on our blog, which I link up to Rachel Anne's blog.


Love to hear what you think! Leave a little note to let me know you dropped by today.

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