Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Menu Plan 2013 Week One

We are going to try this Pantry Challenge this month. The pantry has an assortment of items that don't really go well together. We'll have to see how long we can last without going to the store (except for some milk and bread now and again). So here's to the first menu plan of the year!

Cream of Wheat
Cream of Rice
Bread and Jam
Cinnamon Streusel coffee cake

Rice and Beans
Arroz Caldo
Stir Fry
Mac N Cheese

Hoppin John 
Chicken Soup
Lentil Soup
Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese

This humble menu plan is linked to orgjunkie.com.

1 comment:

  1. I'm doing a Pantry Challenge this month, too! I found that it's hard for me to plan more than a week at a time. I'm trying to only do one normal grocery trip and then only stop for milk and fresh produce after that. My menu for the rest of this week is HERE if you'd like to take a peek!


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