Friday, February 19, 2010

Company Girl Coffee 2.19.10

Hello Company Girls. No coffee today, due to my sore throat. So tea and Halls are what I'm having. Wondering what this is all about? Visit Home Sanctuary to learn more and be part of the fellowship.

I second Rachel Anne's comment. Where has the week gone? My Valentine's date kept me floating on air enough to forget the days! I did have a great week. Saturday, our dear friend took my kids to the Mardi Gras parade downtown then watched them that evening so hubby and I could go out to eat. Then Sunday night, Valentine's Day, she kept them again so we could see Book of Eli. I don't know how I would survive motherhood without great friends!

We also had our MOPs meeting this week. Every month, we have such a blast with 50 plus moms in our group chatting, eating, crafting. This month we made journals by simply covering composition books with scrapbook paper. I broke down and asked some girls to help me froo-froo mine so it wouldn't look so drab. And it came out cute! The best part is that I ended up giving it to my favorite CVS manager. She helps me out so much every week I shop there.

There was the usual shopping, which I meant to completely avoid. But who can when there's 75% off Valentine's sales at Target already! I did go ahead and "inform" the grandmas of the sale in case there was something they wanted to buy for my daughter's upcoming birthday. The downer for the week goes to no-tv punishment for 5 days since my kids wouldn't mind their mother. It's hard for me because I cherish that 1.5hr break to talk on the phone or blog. But after listening to Lisa Whelchel talk about her Creative Correction book, I was motivated to discipline. They weren't hurting though, Church activities provided enough tv time to compensate! I listened to Lisa on Focus on the Family (Feb 15 &16) and I highly recommend it, especially for moms with young kids.

I also went to Bible Study. It's always a fantastic time to fellowship and glean from one another. Are you gals in some kind of Bible study? Months where we have none seem to be the loneliest for me. Us women folk just aren't normal without company girl time. That's why I'm so glad for this group. Have a great weekend, everybody!


  1. I understand about not wanting to ground your kids from the TV (or computer). It seems like you are punishing yourself right along with them. The last time my three were all grounded from the computer on the same day, I had an idea. During the normal computer time, we all sat at the table and colored or drew. They enjoyed it, and I might have to do that again.
    Hope you have a great weekend!

  2. That's a great idea. I think they are much better for not having any tv all week. And they've only asked me once about it.

  3. Besides the sickness and kids not minding you, it sounds like a pretty good week. Looks like a bunch of Company Girls have been hit with a bug. Boo! I'm glad you have a wonderful, supportive community to encourage you and help you out.

  4. It's wonderful to have friends to spend time with and to help retain our sanity isn't it? Good for you on sticking to your guns w/the does get hard and sometimes you wonder who's being disciplined the most! :0)

  5. I LOVE Lisa Whelchel. Her Creative Correction book is AWESOME for mothers of young children! So is her book "Taking Care of the Me in Mommy"--she is a great author.

    I LOVE my Bible Study! I cherish the closeness I get with my Heavenly Father but also the fellowship with other ladies, I do not know what I would do without it!

  6. Creative Correction is on my "to read" list. I have been enjoying her book "Taking Care of the Me in Mommy."

    My DH is speaking in church today about the importance of "connect" groups. (He's on Pastoral Staff at our Church.) Acts 2:42 is his main scripture. "They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer." Fellowship with other believers is so important. I love knowing that I'm a part of a community that would help me in a time of need, and I would do the same for them.

    Have a great upcoming week!

  7. I miss my Bible Study group! The past few years have been hit and miss, as I have strange working hours and projects. I do wish I could connect more with my church friends. Company Girls are a great alternative!! I appreciate the friendships I've made online so very much.

    The discipline is hard...but so worth it! It is tough when it affects YOU (grounding, no TV) but sticking to your guns will pay off in the end. And your kids will never really remember it, strangely enough.


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