Friday, May 7, 2010

Company Girl Coffee 5.7.10

Hello Company Girls! I haven't been with you for so long now. I'm glad to finally have time to visit! Today I'm having tea with LOTS of honey to soothe my allergies.

With the BP oil spill threatening our waters, we're trying to visit the beach as often as possible. Very early of course as it already gets in the 80s here by 10am.
The past few weeks have been busy with playdates at the park. Pensacola is home of the Blue Angels. So of course, the kids park has at least 4 Blues planes and this awesome climbing wall. I love this park! It looks like a castle from the outside and has a separate Tot Lot for 2 and under. The only thing that concerns me is that the water fountain says domestic water. What does that mean?

Where we live, we've been enjoying feeding the ducks and watching the snapping turtles come out of the pond to bask in the sun.

It's only the first week of May & the magnolias are already blooming. I love admiring them from afar where I keep can safe with my allergies.

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  1. Beautiful magnolia. The park sounds fun!

  2. the weather has been really nice over here too. i'm looking forward to getting out more. enjoy the sunshine!

  3. Looks like you've been enjoying some beautiful weather! Just making the Coffee Girl Rounds this AM - Have a GREAT weekend!


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