Saturday, October 24, 2009

Sweet Potato Dishes

A few weeks ago, I bought sweet potatoes on sale for 3lbs for $1. They were still in great shape considering I left them out in a bowl on the kitchen counter all this time. Since I bought broccoli this week, I decided to make stirfry. This was from a recipe I've made that also included ham and noodles. But they veggies by themselves tasted great. All I did was saute it with onion and garlic and seasoned it with Worcestershire sauce, salt and pepper. What a healthy side dish this makes!
To avoid using the oven, I made this no-bake sweet potato "casserole" by simply boiling 2 chopped sweet potatoes. Then I mashed it (still in the pot) and added a few tablespoons of brown sugar, 1/4 tsp cinnamon and 1 tsp vanilla. After mixing, I smoothed it into the pie plate and added the marshmallows on top. (Which were frozen- yes, I freeze my marshmallows so they don't get all mushy in this Florida heat!) Voila! No butter, no baking, but tastes just as great.

These are all the sweet potatoes I used for these two dishes. The small ones on the right are from our sweet potato plant. Yes, you can grown this in a 5 gallon bucket! I don't know how long I should have kept them in there to get them to grow as big as the store bought. But it was amazing to pull them out of the bucket.
The plant itself is so unassuming, there was no way to tell of the gems hidden in the soil below. When we have an in-ground (not in-buckets) garden then I am definitely planting sweet potatoes. Plus you can use the top leaves for soups. How cool is that!

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